Meet us at IT-SA in Nuremberg on October 22-24
During the last two decades, the global cyber security landscape has seen a significant increase in risks. To stand strong against these risks your attention needs to go towards smartly protecting your organisation. We can help you find your focus to intelligently manage your cyber security.

Your safe digital Journey starts with us!
Team Northwave will be at one of Europe's biggest IT-Security event in Nuremberg.
Find us in hall 7A at stand 222, where we invite you for a meaningful conversation about how to manage your security.
Our experts are ready to answer all questions you have, update you on the latest trends in security and tell you more about the philosophy we stand by to protect organisations with an integrated approach for your people, processes and technologies.
Our Intelligent Security Operations keep you on top of your cyber security. Together, we mitigate the risks and impact of potential threats. From processes and procedures (Business) to technologies (Bytes) and user behaviours (Behaviour). Find out more about our Northwave SOC or talk to us about NIS2 and how we can help you meet the requirements of that directive.
Let’s talk about how we can help to protect your Business, Bytes and Behaviour.

Pandas und Bären: Einblicke in den sich wandelnden Cyberuntergrund
Forum 7A-D on 22.10.2024
from 14:45 to 15:00 - presentation in German
Presented by

GM Northwave DACH
CTO Northwave
APTs sind der neue Maßstab für Cybersicherheit
Cyber-Spionage und -Sabotage: Oft unbemerkt, aber gefährlich. Erfahren Sie, wie Unternehmen sich schützen und ihre Resilienz stärken können.
In einer Welt, in der Ransomware-Angriffe regelmäßig für Schlagzeilen sorgen, wird eine ebenso ernsthafte Bedrohung oft übersehen: Cyber-Wirtschaftsspionage und -Sabotage. Diese unsichtbaren Angriffe fügen deutschen Unternehmen erhebliche Schäden zu. Unser Vortrag beleuchtet die Ursachen dieser Bedrohungen, insbesondere die Rolle staatlich gesponserter Gruppen wie APTs, die oft unentdeckt agieren. Wir betrachten die geopolitischen Dimensionen und geben praxisnahe Empfehlungen, um die Resilienz gegen solche Angriffe zu stärken.
English summary: Cyber espionage and sabotage: often unnoticed, but dangerous. Find out how companies can protect themselves and strengthen their resilience. In a world where ransomware attacks regularly make headlines, an equally serious threat is often overlooked: cyber industrial espionage and sabotage. These invisible attacks cause significant damage to German companies. Our presentation sheds light on the causes of these threats, in particular the role of state-sponsored groups such as APTs, which often operate undetected. We look at the geopolitical dimensions and provide practical recommendations to strengthen resilience against such attacks.Welcome to Our Stand, uncover hidden threats!
Come and try out your hacking skills with the Northwave Hacking Challenge!
What Is Your Cyber Security Concern?
Would you like to know more about our services, then let's talk!
Make an appointment with our recruiter Katja