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Your 360° Cyber security approach

Intelligent security operations

It requires a wide variety of skills to continuously manage your cyber risks. Our many years of experience in helping cybercrime victims, have taught us that protecting your business requires a holistic approach.

This is why we integrate all organisational (Business), technical (Bytes) and human (Behaviour) aspects of Cyber Security into one Intelligent Security Operations service agreement. You can smartly combine:

  Business: Managed Security & Privacy Office
We manage your security and privacy based on trusted international standards (e.g. ISO27001, TISAX) to ensure your company is in control.

  Bytes: Managed Detection & Response
We detect incidents in your IT environment and respond to threats 24/7. Place your digital infrastructure under permanent protection of our experienced cyber crew.

  Behaviour: Managed Cyber Awareness & Behaviour
We ensure that your employees can help prevent attacks. We enable them to respond active and alert when faced with threats.

Your safe digital journey in our confident hands

You will remain in control of your cyber security when you entrust your protection and compliance to us.  With this unique service concept we confidently manage the three key functions needed for adequate protection allowing you to focus on what you do best, running your business. 

We work best with clients that are larger than 500 FTE, often family owned. We share with them the culture of putting people first and focusing on the long term. 

Get in touch, if you feel that this is also a fit with you. We would love to become your confident cyber security crew as well. 


What our customers say about us


FUNKE Media Group

Only a few hours after the attack, the Northwave experts were here at our offices - this was extremely important for all of us, because we knew then that we were not alone in dealing with the problem.

Today, we train the entire workforce on secure passwords and phishing emails. Trained end users are the best firewalls for attacks. And, of course, we are investing significantly more in the topic of IT security. To defend against unavoidable attacks, we permanently rely on 24/7 monitoring by Northwave's experts.

Heiko Weigelt
Head of IT


Serviceplan Group

I appreciate it when Northwave's external experts look independently, like a second pair of eyes, at our processes and measures. That's why we rely on Northwave's SOC.

Northwave's security experts provide me with peace of mind and additional security in operations, so I know that everything is at least double-checked and continuously monitored. This frees up our IT teams. In addition to the SOC, Northwave's Security Office provides us with many advantages. Everyone in the group can call on the experts for help with security issues, from questions to incident handling. In addition to technical measures, Northwave also assisted with our company's TISAX certification.

Florian Haller
CEO and Owner

No resources?

Leave your Cyber security to us!

We are here for you

Need help with your cyber security or wondering how secure your business really is?
Get in touch and we will help you find the best solution.
