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Vulnerability Management

Fix vulnerabilities before they become an incident

With vulnerability management we proactively scan your environment for vulnerabilities to mitigate risks in a timely manner which brings you:

 The ability to mitigate risks before they are exploited and become an incident. 

 Insight into all assets in your organisation, their vulnerabilities and remediation advice based on your business risks. 

 Remediation advice within one business day for critical findings


Anybody can scan for vulnerabilities

Doing only that will get you a (long) list of todo’s. We are in the trenches every day, combatting intrusions and helping clients recover from successful attacks. Northwave is acknowledged for this by the Dutch Ministery of Justice and Safety, The German Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik and Trusted Introducer. You can be assured that we will work with the latest threat intelligence applicable to your organisation to best mitigate your business risks. This way you can spend your time in the most efficient way. We provide you with the insights needed to get you in control of your vulnerabilities.


Related Services


Managed Detection & Response

We proactively monitor your systems and networks to act upon your threats adequately.


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We test and identify vulnerabilities in your system.


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Adversary Simulation

We simulate your biggest threats in terms of business, bytes and behaviour.


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Rapid Response

In case of an incident we help you get back to business, as quickly and securely as possible.


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Leave your Cyber security to us!

Frequently Asked Questions

We can imagine that you have many questions. You can always contact us to learn more. Below are a few examples of questions that we can investigate further with you.

What is the difference between a vulnerability assessment and vulnerability management?

Vulnerability management is the continuous process of identifying, analyzing, and prioritizing vulnerabilities in computer systems, networks, and applications, and implementing measures to reduce the risks and impacts of those vulnerabilities. It is an ongoing process that involves regularly scanning for vulnerabilities, evaluating the potential risks and impacts of those vulnerabilities, and implementing measures to address them.

A vulnerability assessment is a specific type of activity that is carried out as a point-in-time exercise. It involves identifying, analysing, and prioritising vulnerabilities in a system, network, or application, and determining the potential risks and impacts of those vulnerabilities. A vulnerability assessment may be conducted using a combination of automated tools and manual testing to identify vulnerabilities and assess their potential risks and impacts.

What is the difference between vulnerability management and a penetration test?

Vulnerability management is focused on the continuous identification and remediation of vulnerabilities in a systematic and ongoing manner. It has the objective of identifying as many vulnerabilities as possible with supported assessment of priority in remediating them.

A penetrationtest is a more in-depth approach to evaluating the security of a system, network, or application with a very specific objective. A penetration test is performed by actively testing and exploiting vulnerabilities to determine their impact and potential risks. Both are important for improving the security of a system, network, or application, but they serve different purposes and are typically used at different stages of the security assessment process. If you are in doubt which one would best suit your needs, please contact us and we will help you get started.

In general, what is the difference between vulnerability management and a Managed Detection & response service?

Vulnerability management is focused on identifying and addressing vulnerabilities in a systematic and ongoing manner which provides input to an (urgent) change management process.

MDR is focused on continuously monitoring for and responding to security threats and anomalies which ties into the (security) incident management process. Both are important for improving the security of an organisation, but they serve different purposes and are typically used at different stages of the security assessment and response process.

We are here for you

Need help with your cyber security or wondering how secure your business really is?
Get in touch and we will help you find the best solution.
