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Pentesting & Vulnerability assessments

We test and identify vulnerabilities in your systems

A pentest or vulnerability assessment will help you identify weaknesses and learn what consequences a breach would have. With this service we help you: 

 Identify vulnerabilities in a system, network or application that could be exploited by a threat actor.

 Evaluate the potential risks and impact of vulnerabilities, allowing you to make informed decisions when addressing your vulnerabilities.

 Demonstrate compliance if needed.

There are multiple reasons why you would need a pentest

Whether you are launching a new application, are required by regulatory compliance, are making changes to existing systems or have experienced a security breach; we can provide you with actionable insight into your vulnerabilities. Security is what we do. With the latest threat intelligence, experience from the trenches and talented Northwavers we know how threat actors will try to exploit your application and can translate our findings to actionable insight and effective risk mitigation. We advise using pentests within your security management cycle to remain adequately protected where it matters.


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Frequently Asked Questions

We can imagine that you have many questions. You can always contact us to learn more. Below are a few examples of questions that we can investigate further with you.

What is the difference between a vulnerability assessment and a pentest?

In general, a vulnerability assessment is a more broad and comprehensive approach to identifying vulnerabilities, while a pentest is more focused on actively testing and exploiting vulnerabilities to determine their impact and potential risks. Both approaches can be useful for improving the security of a system, but they serve different purposes and are typically used in different stages of the security assessment process. Northwave is very experienced with both tests.If you are in doubt what service would best fit your needs, please reach out so that we can help you.

What is the difference between a pentest and an adversary simulation?

In general, an adversary simulation is more focused on simulating a real-world attack and evaluating the organisation's response capabilities, while a pentest is more focused on identifying and exploiting specific vulnerabilities to assess the potential risks and impacts. Both approaches can be useful for improving the security of an organisation, but they serve different purposes and are typically used in different stages of the security assessment process. We can help you investigate what would be the best fit for your situation.

When do I need a pentest?

A: a pentest is typically used to identify and evaluate the potential risks and impacts of specific vulnerabilities, and to determine the effectiveness of an organization's security controls. It may be necessary or beneficial in situations where regulatory compliance requires it, when launching a new application or service, when making significant changes to an existing application or service, after a security breach, or as part of a regular security assessment.

A pentest is just one tool in the security assessment toolkit, and it may not be necessary or appropriate in all situations. In some cases, a State of Security Assessment or other approach may be more appropriate. It's important to carefully consider your specific needs and objectives when deciding whether to conduct a pentest. Our team is available to help you investigate your needs.

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