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Cyber Incident Call

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00800 1744 0000

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Access to your information, no matter what


In the event of a high impact cyberattack, your primary communication channels (e.g., E-mail, MS Teams, etc.) will likely be disrupted or rendered unavailable, severely impacting the coordination of an effective crisis response. 

Northwave’s partnership with Merlin offers a solution to this risk: CrisisSuite. Merlin’s browser-based Crisis Management Platform enables your resilience teams to maintain and coordinate, if your own network is rendered inaccessible. All the information necessary during a crisis is securely stored in the cloud and available at any time. With CrisisSuite’s App, everyone in the crisis organisation is connected.

 Out of band system for all your critical documents, information and instant overview of your resilience organisation, including all contact details.

  Trigger an alert to activate your incident responders and crisis managers.

  Log the incident to establish a single point of truth.

 Share situation reports with designated people.

How to implement CrisisSuite in your crisis organisation?

CrisisSuite is a secure and flexible online tool that enables clients to build, maintain, and activate their resilience plans. We help you to actively integrate the system into your organisation and provide trainings to efficiently navigate the CrisisSuite's interface and use its many features. On top of that, we incorporate the system into our crisis exercises, to facilitate hands on experience in using it during a crisis. Read more about our exercises here.

We are here for you

Need help with your cyber security or wondering how secure your business really is?
Get in touch and we will help you find the best solution.