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Cyber Incident?

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Real-incident experience, international standards and best practice advice

Cyber crisis exercises

In stressful crisis situations, people fall back on learned behaviours and skills, rather than just their plans. Managing a crisis effectively comes down to 50% plans and procedures and 50% learned behaviours and skills. We offer personalised exercises that let you experience and train for your most significant cyber threats in a safe environment, based on real-life scenarios.

 Gain practical cybersecurity insights and knowledge of common dilemmas.

 Experience a cyber incident in a safe environment.

 Train your plans and procedures with real-life scenarios and develop crucial skills.

 Exercise with your Incident Response, Crisis management team and/or other relevant teams.

Delivered with your Business in Mind

Our exercises train necessary skills and offer best-practices for managing cyber crises. Participants gain hands-on experience through tailor made and threat based realistic scenarios, designed specifically for your organisation's needs.
Exercise options:
  • Walkthrough: We guide your team through your crisis management plans and procedures using realistic scenarios. During the session, we discuss the roles and responsibilities, and identify gaps while providing best practice recommendations.

  • Table top: In our table top, your team is immersed in a scenario through strategic and tactical ‘information injects’, prompting discussions amongst the team. Led by our facilitator, this interactive exercise trains the collaboration and decision-making methods within your crisis management team.

  • Simulation: During the simulation, participants receive personalised ‘information injects’ via phone calls, emails, and our media simulator. They can also communicate to the “outside world” through our response cell. This hands-on experience enables participants to train specific crisis management competencies and practice their individual roles and responsibilities in a realistic, but safe environment.

  • Semi-live: Our advanced cyber crisis simulation incorporates multiple teams from your crisis organisation into the exercise. Think of a cyber crisis scenario that involves your operational and/or tactical incident response team, strategic crisis management team and/or your crisis communication team. By training the collaboration in this large-scale simulation, the interaction and communication mirrors your response in a full-blown organisational crisis.

  • Gold Teaming: Gold Teaming reflects reality as close as possible by combining Red Teaming findings with a Crisis Management exercise. This simulation places your organisation in a unique simulation, without having to face the real-world consequences. We offer different formats of Gold Teaming tailored to your organisation's needs. Read more about Gold Teaming here. 

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