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Background on NIS2

In November 2022, the European Parliament amended the current Network and Information Security (NIS) Directive. The reasons for this were the increase in cyber security threats and the rapid digitalisation within the EU.

The decision said that the previous measures were considered outdated. Thus, the directive on protection against cyber attacks was extended for enterprises and public authorities. The so-called NIS2 Directive aims to continue to adequately protect the EU's assets and internal markets. European member states must translate the directive into their own national legislation before it is applicable to organisations.

The member states have until 17 October 2024 to transpose the directive into national legislation. This has implications for a large majority of organisations in the EU.

committed to protection

But which ones exactly?

You might have a lot of questions regarding the NIS2 Directive, as many other companies have as well. To determine whether the NIS2 Directive applies to your organisation, what it means for you and your business, and how you can prepare for the upcoming requirements, our security and privacy experts are available to answer your questions.

We are by your side, protecting your business and ensuring the resilience of your digital environment. 


What is next for NIS2?


By your side

Companies in scope of the NIS2 

Not every organisation is in the scope of the NIS2 Directive. The scope includes companies and organisations that provide services that are essential for social and economic activities.

In addition, NIS2 is intended for medium or large organisations (more than 50 employees and/or more than €10 million annual turnover). Moreover, NIS2 applies to organisations that are considered critical infrastructure or are the sole provider of a particular service to the EU government.

NIS2 applies to organisations, regardless of their size or annual turnover, whenever an organisation provides public services or when an incident could have an impact on public safety.

By your side

Companies in scope of the NIS2 

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Are you In Scope?

Check it our with our Scope assessment Tool!

your independent security crew

What we can do for you 

We take a hands-on approach: we become an extension of your organisation. We can help you determine whether your company falls within the scope of NIS2. If so, we then assess the extent to which the organisation is NIS2 compliant and identify areas of shortfall to give you the tools you need to become fully NIS2 compliant.

We offer a comprehensive NIS2 gap assessment service for your organisation to determine your status and gaps to the requirements of the directive. We understand the importance of ensuring the security and protection of your organisation's systems and data, and we want to help you prepare for NIS2 compliance.

We are sure you already meet many of the requirements, but let's jointly make sure you are truly prepared, and your business is protected in the best possible way!


We are here for you

Need help with getting your organisation ready for NIS2 or wondering far along you your business currently is?
Get in touch and we will guide you with your next steps.
