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Northwave joins Dutch covenant “Melissa” to fight ransomware

Utrecht  – 3 October 2023

We are proud to announce our participation in the Dutch convenant “Melissa” aimed at fighting ransomware attacks in the Netherlands. The covenant is signed by the Dutch public prosecution service, the national police, the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), Cyberveilig Nederland and multiple private organisations, including Northwave.With this covenant, the involved organisations commit to sharing information and developments on a structural basis.

The collaboration between the organisations started in 2021 and has already contributed to the takedown of major criminal organisations such as Qakbot.

“It makes me proud to see that public and private organisations are able to join forces in their common fight against ransomware. Of course, Northwave’s primary focus lies with their customers, but with initiatives like ‘Melissa’, we can proactively fight cybercrime and make our world safer.” says Pim Takkenberg, General Manager Benelux at Northwave Cyber Security.