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Northwave invests in HackShield to help build a more cyber-safe generation

Utrecht, 30th of September 2024

Northwave Cyber ​​Security, the largest independent Cyber ​​Security company in the Benelux, has invested in Flavour, a Dutch company that uses Applied Gaming and Storytelling to facilitate learning and behaviour change in ways that are fun and effective. This investment enables Flavour to further expand their HackShield cyber-safety e-learning platform.

Why HackShield? 
The HackShield online platform uses gamification to help children between 8 and 12 years old become more resilient against cybercrime. Through this game, children are trained to become Cyber ​​Agents who protect themselves and their families against online danger. Continuing to develop and expand innovative e-learning methods has a key role in mitigating online risks and improving digital skills worldwide. 

“Making a positive impact on our society is central to our mission. We achieve this primarily by making and keeping medium and large organisations digitally resilient,” says Steven Dondorp, CEO, Northwave Cyber ​​Security.

“Our business philosophy not only has a commercial perspective but also a broader societal perspective. With our investment in Flavour, we are specifically investing in the further growth of HackShield, because we believe it is important that children learn to deal with the positive and negative sides of digitalisation.”  

Promoting cyber safety worldwide
More than 200 Netherlands municipalities, schools, police and private organisations use HackShield. Flavour is also active in Belgium, Austria, Germany, Brazil, Sweden and the Netherlands Antilles. Together with the ROM Utrecht Region, Northwave is now supporting the international expansion of HackShield, marking an important milestone for Flavour.

“This investment underlines the commitment of our investors to building a more secure digital future for everyone,” said Emily Jacometti, co-founder of Flavour. “With this support, we can scale our impact and make a lasting difference in the world of online safety."

In recent years, Northwave has also partnered with Flavour to launch HackShield in Germany and Scandinavia, in collaboration with the Safer Sweden Foundation.

“We believe that shared mission driven organisations can work together for a safer Europe. That’s why we always take HackShield with us to the countries where we expand our business,” says Dondorp.


Pictured: Emily Jacometti & Tim Murck (Co-Founders Flavour Hackshield), Susanne Schilderman (Alderman of the City of Utrecht), Steven Dondorp (CEO Northwave Cyber Security), Edgard Creemers (Head of Investments ROM Utrecht) and the ROM Utrecht project team delegation


Promoting cyber safety worldwide
More than 200 Netherlands municipalities, schools, police and private organisations use HackShield. Flavour is also active in Belgium, Austria, Germany, Brazil, Sweden and the Netherlands Antilles. Together with the ROM Utrecht Region, Northwave is now supporting the international expansion of HackShield, marking an important milestone for Flavour.

“This investment underlines the commitment of our investors to building a more secure digital future for everyone,” said Emily Jacometti, co-founder of Flavour. “With this support, we can scale our impact and make a lasting difference in the world of online safety."

In recent years, Northwave has also partnered with Flavour to launch HackShield in Germany and Scandinavia, in collaboration with the Safer Sweden Foundation.

“We believe that shared mission driven organisations can work together for a safer Europe. That’s why we always take HackShield with us to the countries where we expand our business,” says Dondorp.